Dealing with the disconnect between being "healthy" and "pain-free"

Dealing with the disconnect between being "healthy" and "pain-free"

I walked out the door of the clinic that day proud and nervous.  Was I really better?  She assured me that I was.  My doctor and husband and family and girlfriends assured me that I was.  So, I figured I’d take this “healthy” thing for a spin.

If health is a state of existing in perfect comfort and contentment, it was short lived.

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Our wedding(s): navigating life's milestones through chronic illness.

Our wedding(s): navigating life's milestones through chronic illness.

My illness and weekly out-of-state travel for care had worn me down.  I looked like a ghost, spent most of my time in bed, missed classes frequently, and was probably starting or withdrawing from some new horrible medication.  We realized that if we married, I would lose my insurance -- my only access to care.  And to be frank, I was a wreck.  We held hands, I cried, and we decided to indefinitely postpone our wedding.  Notifying our family and friends was heart-wrenching.

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